The Personal Shopper Experience

Sometimes people need help with their purchases, simply because the merchant does not accept foreign credit cards or paypal from another country. In situations like that you need the personal shopper to find a solution for your needs.

You tell us what you would like to buy, provide a link to the product if you have one and/or a description of what you are looking for and we will try to find it. We have lots of experience in this and sometimes find you an even better deal than you could find on your own. Of course there is a charge for his. Sometimes it even saves you money if we are able to find it cheaper.

The charge for the personal shopper service is only 10% of the total price with a minimum charge of $25.00 per purchase.


If you are a small business owner and need our help in purchasing your merchandise please contact us.

Are you currently purchasing through expensive local distributors and like to buy direct?

We can help. We can often times buy directly for you from the manufacturer, consolidate shipments from different sellers and ship the product in one shipment directly to you and save you money. Contact us for your purchasing and shipping needs.

Need help shipping a car, boat, furniture or anything else? We can help you there too.

Just send us an email with your needs and we will have the solution!